Thursday, August 28, 2014

Item #1485, SW Campus, Report #04082870001, Theft by Unlawful Taking under $500.00 (Computer Speakers), 1000 Community College Dr., Louisville, KY 40272, Occured on 8/7/14 between 930am-1330 hours, reported at 1330 hours on 8/7/14.

A tenant reported that her computer speakers were missing, but they were later recovered an returned. Although Disposition is Closed by Recovery, An investigation is still pending.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Item #1484, Downtown, Report #14082170703, Student code violations, KRS 514.030, 110 Chestnut Street, Louisville, KY 40202, 8-21-2014, Between 1700 and 1715 hours

An individual left thier wallet and cell phone in the bathroom and went back to retrieve it and it was gone.

Disposition: Open